• Learn from other scientists & operators 
  • Get the most of your STYL'One 
  • Put your hands on the latest innovation 
  • STYL'One-to-one meetings with MEDELPHARM experts
  • Networking while enjoying French Cuisine in late summer ambience 

Join the STYL'One community for a warm and friendly 3-day event, in the city of Lyon!

Call for Posters

Share your work with scientists and experts from all around the world! 


Submission deadline: August 31st




  • Physics of compression/Material characterization
  • Process development & optimization
  • Troubleshooting tablet defects
  • Development of innovative oral solid dosage forms
  • Technology transfer & scale-up from R&D to production
  • Experimental methodology

All research topics broadly related to tablet development are welcome.


Send your posters to qboulay@medelpharm.com


Get your certificate!

Everyone will receive a certificate of participation to the seminar and training.


More info?